Saturday, July 21, 2012

I Partied with the Whole Famn Damily!

We had our Biannual Wilson Reunion at my parents’ house this year.  We have been having it there the past 2 times, I believe?  Ironically, this is the first place we had one when they were organized, or brought back into tradition, however it happened.  We later rented halls and other places for the event.  Now it just takes place in the yard.  It’s a good time. 

Family members come in from Michigin, Virginia, New York, all over.  We have much fun, good food, and social drinking, what more could you ask for?  My family is one of the greatest., which most people say, but it is true.  We have an excellent group of people.  I thoroughly enjoyed myself with all of my “cousins”. 

Drifting Sun has been printing the shirts for the past 3 occasions, counting this one.  (Drifting Sun is me, if you don’t know or care, it’s my screen printing business).  It was one of my first jobs in a long time.  I printed approximately 90 shirts or more.  It was something getting back into the screen printing swing.  I found what supplies I am short on and need to replace.  It was a little harder being that I wasn’t actively into it, but it got me excited about doing printing again! 

The whole famn damily wore my construction green, highlighter yellow t-shirts.  It was glorious.  They all seemed to like them and we could easily locate each other after dusk.  The food was good, pulled pork and summer type salads.  One family member had just got a reel to reel of my maternal grandfather playing the tenor saxophone at a gig back in the day.  This was the first time I was able to hear him play.  It was epic.  The CD was premiered at the traditional Friday Night Pre Reunion Bash.  This year during the fireworks on Saturday night we played the CD also.  It was beautiful.  I saw on the grass in the yard where I grew up with my daughter, Ooohing and Aaaahing about the “pretty” fireworks in the sky backed by the sound of my grandfather playing in his jazz band. We were all together and he was there with us for the fireworks.  It was a magical moment.  I anxiously await the next time we get the whole famn damily together! 

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