Wednesday, November 7, 2012

7 Thoughts by The Good and Bad Voices

Why I Feel Bad For My Daughter
  1. She got the short end of the stick.
  2. She is only a toddler and is aware of my fluctuating moods.
  3. She sees things in her mama she shouldn’t see. 
  4. She is my blood relation.
  5. She has a high chance of turning out just like me. 
  6. She has a highly depressive, artsy, flake of a mother.
  7. I’m selfish.

Why I Feel Good For My Daughter

  1. She got a piece of the stick!!
  2. She is only a toddler and is empathetic enough to understand when I am down.
  3. She sees the good in me when I can only see the bad.
  4. She is my blood relation.
  5. She has a high chance of turning out just like me, only stronger. 
  6. She will understand how complicated people can be before I send her off into it.
  7. She is learning independence. 

This has been a random pointless list brought to you by Self-Loathing and Positive Thinking.  

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